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List Your Properties

November 4, 2022 by TNH ADMIN

Make a Difference

Help travel nurses and other professionals find furnished and conducive housing for their work related trip!

Some reasons to list with us

Affordable Listing

We charge an affordable listing fee only to property owners and there is zero service fee.

Better rewards

You will have fewer turnovers because of its mid-long term rental component.

More Flexible

Travel Nurse Houses (TNH) doesn’t get involved in booking. You can negotiate terms for rent and length of stay with the property owner.

Affordable Listing

We charge an affordable listing fee only to property owners and there is zero service fee.

Better rewards

You will have fewer turnovers because of its mid-long term rental component.

More Flexible

Travel Nurse Houses (TNH) doesn’t get involved in booking. You can negotiate terms for rent and length of stay with the property owner.

How to get Started


Create an account

Login or Signup with Travel nurse houses. Proceed to subscribe for a listing package from your account dashboard.


List your property

Fill and submit the property listing form.


Get verified

Property owners are verified and listings are screened for quality and safety.


Accept bookings

We promote your listing within our network and to travelers who request housing help.

You won’t have to do it alone

Our Support Team is here to answer your questions

Please feel free to chat or email us if you have further questions about getting started. Plus, check out our FAQ page to see some of the most common questions we have answered

Custom Listing Request

If you can’t find a specific listing package that matches your property requirements, you can fill out this form, and our team will create a special listing package to accommodate your needs.

Booking Information

Let's Find you a place

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch with our recommendations.

Contact Information
Travel Information
Become a


Open your doors to our travelling nurses and professionals, and we’ll take care of the rest.