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Franceska Grantzidis

Pitt Meadows
English, French, Greek

I have been living in Pitt Meadows with my family for five wonderful years, and we absolutely love this neighborhood! The sense of community here is truly special. My husband and I both work from home, which has been a great advantage for us. We enjoy the flexibility it offers and the opportunity to spend more time together as a family. Pitt Meadows has so much to offer, from beautiful parks and outdoor spaces to shops and restaurants that we frequently visit. The natural scenery is stunning, with mountains and rivers right at our doorstep, making it easy for us to enjoy family hikes and outdoor activities on weekends. We’ve also built strong connections with our neighbors. It’s a place where everyone looks out for each other, and there’s always a friendly face around. Overall, living here has been a rewarding experience, blending work-life balance with a vibrant community atmosphere.

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