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Dale Wheeldon


Hey there, I’m Debbie! Welcome to Grandma’s Elephant Hideaway – the coolest place to be! My hubby Dale and I are thrilled to have you here with us. We’re all about elephants, just like my mother-in-law, who inspired us to create this epic spot after her love for these gentle giants. Although she’s no longer with us, we’re keeping her legacy alive by sharing our passion with you! We even donate a portion of your stay to support elephant sanctuaries and to help support our adopted Elephant Kainuk (yes that is her above)- how amazing is that?! When we’re not hanging out with our twelve grandkids, you can catch us exploring new places, trying out local wineries or enjoying a refreshing beer at Dale’s favorite spot, Slackwater Brewery. And while you’re here, get ready for some extra special touches that’ll make your stay unforgettable – think a starter jar of roasted coffee beans that we may have roasted ourselves (yum!), mouthwatering treats, and plenty more surprises. We’re committed to making your stay as amazing as possible, so if you have any suggestions or requests, just give us a shout! We’re always here to make your experience at Grandma’s Elephant Hideaway a blast!

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