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LP Lavoie

Kelowna, BC, Canada
English and French

My family and I have been living in sunny Kelowna for 13 years and love the combination of small city living and easy access to incredible outdoor spaces. We spend most of our time outdoors, either at Big White playing in the snow, or adventuring in the woods. We are often on the road going on camping adventures in our Westfalia camper van with our two girls and love exploring new parts of BC. Our new family goal is to spend winters in tropical places while we spearfish, surf, and explore beaches. We have been AirBnB Superhosts for 8 years and have been hosting travel nurses for 3 years. Wed love creating beautiful spaces where tenants and guests feel comfortable while getting to enjoy all that the Okanagan Valley has to offer.

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Open your doors to our travelling nurses and professionals, and we’ll take care of the rest.