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August 9, 2023

Do Travel Nurses Get Free Housing?

Travel nursing has undoubtedly emerged as an enticing career path for healthcare professionals with an adventurous spirit. The prospect of exploring new places, experiencing diverse cultures, and making a positive impact on patients’ lives has driven many healthcare workers to pursue travel nursing assignments. Along with the excitement and thrill, one key aspect that often captivates the attention of potential travel nurses is the question of housing benefits.

The truth behind whether travel nurses get free housing is not as straightforward as a simple “yes” or “no.” The housing arrangements for travel nurses can vary based on several factors, such as the agency they work with, the location of the assignment, and the individual contract terms.

The Housing Spectrum

When talking about where travel nurses live, it’s not the same for everyone. There are lots of different ways it can work. Some travel nurses get everything set up for them, like a ready-to-go home, while others like to handle things on their own. It’s like a big range of choices, from having everything done for you to doing it all yourself. Let’s take a closer look at these different options to see what’s possible.

1. Provided Housing – A Sweet Deal:

provided housing for travel nurses

Absolutely! Sometimes, when you’re a travel nurse, the place you’ll stay can be sorted out for you. This is known as “provided housing.” Basically, the agency or hospital you work with sets you up with a fully furnished apartment or similar place to live. It’s like moving into a ready-to-go home without the hassle of finding one yourself.

This perk isn’t just about making things easy; it’s about taking away some of the stress that comes with moving to a new place for work. With a furnished place ready for you, you can focus more on your job and less on finding a place to live.

Plus, living in provided housing can also mean you’re living near other travel nurses. So, you’re not alone – you’re with people who are going through the same experience as you. It’s like having an instant support group and friends who understand what you’re going through.

Basically, having housing provided for you is like a friendly gesture from the agency or hospital. They know that being a travel nurse can be tough, so they try to make things a bit easier by giving you a comfortable place to call home while you’re away.


a. Convenience and Simplicity:

Provided housing offers travel nurses a seamless transition between assignments, eliminating the need to search for accommodations in unfamiliar areas.

b. Reduced Stress:

Travel nurses can focus more on their work and patient care, knowing that their housing is already taken care of.

c. Community and Networking:

Living in provided housing often means being in close proximity to fellow travel nurses, fostering a supportive community and opportunities for networking.

d. Cost Savings:

Since the housing is covered, travel nurses may have more disposable income to allocate towards other expenses or personal enrichment.

e. Furnished Spaces:

Provided housing is typically fully furnished, sparing travel nurses the hassle and cost of furnishing their temporary homes.

f. Shorter Set-Up Time:

Travel nurses can start their assignments sooner without the delay of searching for and setting up housing.

g. Predictable Expenses:

With provided housing, there are fewer surprises or fluctuations in monthly housing costs.


a. Limited Control:

Travel nurses may have limited say in the location, type, or quality of provided housing, which may not align with their preferences.

b. Lack of Flexibility:

Some travel nurses may prefer different housing options based on their personal needs, and provided housing might not cater to those needs.

c. Shared Spaces:

Depending on the arrangement, travel nurses might have to share housing with other healthcare professionals, potentially affecting privacy and comfort.

d. Less Personalization:

Provided housing may lack the personal touches and customization that travel nurses could achieve if they arranged their own accommodations.

e. Potentially Isolated Locations:

The location of provided housing might not always align with a travel nurse’s desired proximity to attractions or amenities.

f. Dependency on Agency or Facility:

Reliance on the agency or healthcare facility for housing arrangements may limit a travel nurse’s independence and decision-making.

g. Unforeseen Issues:

Travel nurses may encounter maintenance or logistical problems with provided housing that could disrupt their experience.

Provided housing for travel nurses presents a range of advantages, including convenience, reduced stress, and potential cost savings. However, it also comes with limitations in terms of control, personalization, and flexibility. The decision to opt for provided housing should be based on individual preferences, needs, and the specific circumstances of each travel nursing assignment.

2. Stipends and Housing Allowances – Empowering Choice:

housing stipend/allowance

While getting free housing is a great bonus, some assignments might offer you money instead to find your own place. This money is called a “housing stipend.” It lets you decide where and how you want to live. The people you work with can help you understand how much it costs to live in that area. Then, you can use the money to rent a place that fits your style and needs.

This way, you’re in charge of finding a home that suits you. You get to explore different neighborhoods and figure out what works best for you. The travel nursing agency will give you information about how much things cost, so you can make smart choices with the money they give you. It’s a chance to learn about budgeting and making decisions on your own.

Overall, while free housing is really nice, having a housing stipend lets you take control and make your own choices about where and how you want to live during your travel nursing assignment. It’s all about giving you more independence and helping you grow in different ways.


a. Flexibility and Choice:

A housing allowance provides travel nurses with the freedom to choose where and how they want to live, catering to their personal preferences and needs.

b. Personalization:

Travel nurses can select housing that aligns with their lifestyle, allowing them to create a comfortable and personalized living environment.

c. Potential Cost Savings:

If travel nurses find housing that is below the allocated allowance, they can save money for other expenses or personal use.

d. Location Control:

Travel nurses can choose housing closer to desired amenities, attractions, or family, enhancing their overall experience.

e. Opportunity for Budgeting:

Managing a housing allowance allows travel nurses to develop budgeting skills and financial responsibility.

f. Privacy and Independence:

Travel nurses have more control over their living space, potentially avoiding shared accommodations and maintaining greater privacy.


a. Search and Set-Up Effort:

Travel nurses are responsible for finding suitable housing, which can be time-consuming and require extensive research.

b. Unfamiliarity with Area:

Finding housing in a new location may lead to unknowingly selecting a less desirable or inconvenient neighborhood.

c. Logistical Challenges:

Coordinating move-ins, lease agreements, and utilities can add complexity to the travel nursing experience.

d. Varying Costs:

Housing expenses can fluctuate based on location and market conditions, potentially leading to unforeseen budgetary issues.

e. Financial Risks:

If travel nurses exceed their housing allowance, they may need to cover the difference out of pocket.

d. Isolation:

Opting for independent housing might limit interactions with fellow travel nurses, impacting networking opportunities and a sense of community.

e. Less Support:

Unlike provided housing, travel nurses might not receive agency or facility guidance on housing options, cost of living, or potential resources.

A housing allowance for travel nurses offers increased flexibility, personalization, and potential cost savings. However, it requires more effort and responsibility in terms of housing search, management, and financial planning. The decision to choose a housing allowance should be based on individual preferences, willingness to take on additional tasks, and the desire for more control over living arrangements.

How do Travel Nurses get Housing? Learn more

Source: Nurse Lexi

The Bottom Line:

In the end, the answer to whether travel nurses get free housing depends on various factors, including the specific assignment, agency policy, location, and your personal preferences. It’s crucial to thoroughly review your contract and discuss housing options with your agency or employer before accepting an assignment.

Remember, the benefits of travel nursing extend far beyond just housing. Opportunities for professional growth, exposure to diverse healthcare settings, and the chance to make a positive impact on patients’ lives are among the many rewards of this exciting career path.

So, whether you find yourself in a cozy provided apartment or embrace the freedom of finding your own housing, travel nursing offers an incredible journey of exploration, learning, and fulfillment.

Happy travels!

Category: Career

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